arab blind association

The Arab Blind Association is a captivating documentary photo collection that sheds light on the remarkable endeavors of blind and visually impaired individuals who find empowerment and purpose in their lives through this organization. The Association offers comprehensive support in rehabilitation, vocational training, cultural enrichment, and social activities, striving to ensure that every member can lead a decent life and pursue a brighter future.
This documentary focuses on one unique project undertaken by the Association: the creation of brooms made entirely by the blind individuals themselves. Intrigued by the Association's work and deeply connected to the old city, I was introduced to this exceptional place through a dear friend. Since then, I have been continuously collaborating with them on various projects including this one and have always been amazed by their dedication and resilience. Whenever I visit the old city, I make it a point to stop by the Arab Blind Association, not only to offer my support but also to be inspired by their mission.
Through captivating visuals and personal narratives, this documentary aims to raise awareness about the Arab Blind Association and the inspiring stories of its members. Each of these individuals possess a powerful story that extends beyond their work of making brooms; they are living examples, determined to prove to the world that they can lead fulfilling lives, work, and experience the joys of a normal existence, just like anyone else.
This collection invites viewers to witness the strength, resilience, and unwavering determination that radiate from the lives of the Association's members, inspiring audiences to challenge societal perceptions and champion inclusivity and equality for all.
The people themselves are the main reason I'm drawn to this organization and compelled to document their stories. Their simplicity, joy, and love for their work inspire me. Despite facing challenging circumstances, having to travel long distances and crossing borders every day, they endure with resilience and maintain happiness. Their spirit is truly inspiring. 


“Insight” - a Film that was directed by me about the Arab Blind Association. The film was a part of an anthology of four short documentaries set in the Old City of Jerusalem. The film was selected to be showcased at the Visions du Reel Festival in Nyon, Switzerland and in Haifa International Film Festival 2023.

Moneer Anton Yousef-El Shaheen, 42.
منير انطون يوسف الشاهين، ٤٢ سنه، بيت لحم

“I was born with vision impairment, which was discovered by the age of 9. By then I was completely blind. The work here gave me the chance to provide for myself and my family and helps me feel secure financially”
“Getting the hang of it was hard at first, but I gradually developed my skills and became faster and more efficient, my willpower keeps me going.
I love the work we do here”

.ولدت مع ضعف في الرؤية، الامر اللي تم اكتشافه لمّا كان عمري ٩ سنوات. ومن هذا الوقت أصبحت اعمى تماماً”

“.منحني العمل في هذا المكان الفرصة لإعالة نفسي وعائلتي، واعطاني الشعور بالأمان الاقتصادي. كان فهم الامر (العمل) صعب في البداية، لكن طورت مهاراتي تدريجياً وأصبحت اسرع واكثر كفاءة

"بحب الشغل الي بعمله هون!"

Bassam Muhammad el mo’ati, 37 from Beit Lehem.

بسّام محمد المعطي، ٣٢ سنة، بيت لحم

“I have been an employee in the association for 3 years, what kept me here is the fact that we’ve got no other workplace in the rest of society. God took vision away from me, I’ve lost it gradually during childhood, but then He improved my sense of touch. I feel as if I have unique abilities in my sense of touch and I rely on it heavily during my work.
I’m Divorced with two daughters”

انا كنت موظف في الجمعية لمدة 3 سنين ، اللي خلاني اتمسك بهذا المكان هو حقيقة أنه فش النا مكان عمل آخر في المجتمع.  فقدت نظري تدريجيًا خلال طفولتي، ربنا سلبني بصري وبالمقابل انعم عليْ بحاسة لمس قوية، بحس اني بمتلك قدرات فريدة في حاسة اللمس وبعتمد على هذه القدرات كثير اثناء عملي

Fo'ad Taleb Abed Odeh, 48 from Silwan.
فؤاد طالب عبد عودة، 48, سلوان.

“Im considered in charge of the other employees here in the association. I became blind after an Israeli Soldiers’ bullet penetrated my skull when I was 17 years old during the first Intifada. Working here, like any other kind of work is fun and rewarding”

".أنا أعتبر مسؤولاً عن الموظفين الآخرين هنا في الجمعية. أصبت بالعمى بعد أن اخترقت رصاصة لجندي إسرائيلي جمجمتي عندما كان عمري 17 عامًا خلال الانتفاضة الأولى. العمل هنا ، مثل أي نوع آخر من العمل، ممتع ومجزٍ "

Harbi Shweiki, 55 from Jerusalem.
حربي شويكي، 55، القدس.
“I’ve been a part of the association for 9 years. I wanted to help the blind; I didn’t think too much about what I would get in return. I currently work in the wood workshop; I train blind employees on woodwork and help them produce wood products”
“For me, it is a beautiful experience; working closely with people who you take for granted and know nothing about. Knowing them now is what helps me continue the work the I do here”

(كنت جزء من الجمعية لمدة 9 سنوات. كان بدي مساعدة المكفوفين. مفكرتش كثير بالمقابل الي رح احصل عليه. بعمل حاليا في ورشة الأخشاب (نجّار”
أُشرف على تعليم الموظفين المكفوفين، على الأعمال الخشبية وبساعدهم في إنتاج المنتجات الخشبية
بالنسبة الي، هذه تجربه كثير جميله ومهمة؛ العمل عن كثب مع الأشخاص منعتبرهم أمرًا مفروغًا منه، ما بنعرف ولا شيء عنهم.
”.التعرف عليهم عن قرب، هو الي بساعدني على مواصلة عملي بالجمعيه.

“My Name is Nadera Bazbazat”,
اسمي نادرة بزبزت، من القدس”

“I am a Social Work graduate. My journey to becoming the manager of the Arab Blind Association began by working as a secretary here. Ever since the beginning, I have been happily and faithfully attached to the Association, our blind employees and the work I do here. This pushed me to reach the position I am in today”

“Working with the blind is hopeful and Inspiring, seeing how they overcome the challenge of their disability daily and work hard in order to maintain their independence is heartwarming. This field resonates with me personally given that I have worked a lot with the disabled community” 

خريجة قسم الخدمة الاجتماعية، مشواري في جمعية المكفوفين العرب بدأ لما توظفت كسكرتيرة بالجمعية. من البداية كنت مرتبطة بالجمعية، وموظفيها المكفوفين، بكل سعادة وإخلاص وشغف، وللشغل الي بعمله هون الاشي الي وصلني للمنصب الي انا فيه اليوم

.الشغل مع المكفوفين في الجمعية مُلهم وبعطي امل.. لما بشوف كيف بتغلبوا على الإعاقة وبتحدوا بشكل يومي. وبثابروا عشان يحافظوا على استقلاليتهم الاشي بيسعد قلبي”
”هذا المجال اله تأثير كبير على شخصيتي بالنظر لانه اشتغلت كثير مع مجموعات من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة.